Monday, July 27, 2009

BLOGGING its fun its futuristic its fantastic its .......

Whooping cough and the blues...

Well peeps I have been too unwell to blog. What a statement! My Whooping cough is whooping me big time...I don't remember ever having anything so debilitating, but its mine and I own it and I will take the hard yards and move on

I have missed my blogging and I haven't had an opportunity to actually do anything much except heal my body and mind. It is interesting to find that a bug can make you totally nuts and sick at the same time. What a shitty thing to get at my age, or in fact any age, its a pandemic here and I'm totally sick of it. I have had it for over two and a half months and I have been told I've got a least another month to go...bugger!!!

I have the Pelican Brief playing in the background and enjoying just sitting here at the computer and mucking about. Not much of a blog for you guys...I've been happy to just be quiet and even quieter except for my hacking cough and it didn't help any to look up the Mayo Clinic and find out all the ginny on the Whooping makes your chest and neck sore and I feel bad......poor lil ol is sick

Exciting times this a.m. went to see the peeps who found the genetic code for DNA and lung cancer I had my DNA test and the results will be forthcoming soonish....I find it interesting that I don't mind the outcome (mind you this is before I find out if I do have the gene) may be different if I do have it and that will be another ball was so easy and fast just a swab of each cheek and its done. Do feel that a good thing is about to be found out...I like positive information it gives you the wherewithal to make a decision. Now I am a smoker, a dedicated one, and I am wondering how I will actually feel about all this when I have the facts in hand. Maybe I won't be so cavalier when I know....time will tell.

Always have been a person who pursues things and I also have been able to accept and acknowledge bad as well as good things in my life...maybe I am just stupid and don't react as I should but I take things on the chin and try and make the best of all situations and make an informed decision. So much for my truths - this past few weeks have been interestingly awful and I have reassessed my bahaviour and demeanor and find that I actually am reasonably mature, in years as well as mind, and have a good healthy attitude towards most things. I trust I am open minded and do look at issues and my life openly. Others I have found do not.....

They are close minded and in total denial....this I find very sad and even older more mature friends of friends are still being denied a good and full life because of issues they do not deal with full on....they deny all sorts of small things and it looks to me that their lives are not good because of it. I am referring also to a phenomenon called lying by omission....this was to be a total blog but its depressing so its a para in this one..... OMISSION of the relevant literal facts and by not giving these the person hearing the story is unable to make an informed decision because the crux of the matter is not told....this is stupidity of the highest degree in my is one thing to lie about a situation but its totally another not to give the correct facts to a friend, whomever, the information given is only part of the truth...this is just not on. I have been on the end of this a couple of times lately and it sucks.

Knowing the facts is important even if it isn't what you want to know or to hear but if someone wants your help its not a good idea not to let them know the entire story. People going off half cocked is wrong and its a silly and bad idea as friends and people become very upset when they find out the truth. I lost a new friend this week simply because he didn't tell me the entire truth of a matter that was important to me, this he knew and didn't give me the total truth...for this I am saddened and he no longer is going to be a friend. What he didn't tell me is irrelevant here for you peeps but for me it was an omission that could not be forgiven....and I'm not a hard head wasn't nice....mmmmm give me the facts as I would give you and we can talk about the issue and work out a strategy to fix it....don't give me hot air and no facts I felt stupid and uninformed....something I don't care for at all....enuf said

Now an update on the insurance and I live in a Housing New Zealand home they are responsible for the maintenance of this premises and I cannot get the hole in the wall fixed, HNZ have to fix it for me and my Insurance Company will assist me only if I am asked to pay for the damage the plumber/drunk/not a friend person did here....the blood on the coverings of the chairs they will fix,,,,,,omg, what a mess this guy should get a life and I'm now not a happy camper!!!! he will also be chased to pay for the damage etc. etc. what a mess.........yet another bungling human that won't accept his fate and acknowledge that he has a problem of a large magnitude that has affected his family and friends and acquaintances - me I have learnt a big lesson and won't be helping him or anyone like him for a long is too hard and I don't need the grief.....drinking, drunks and damage just a big 'D' for disappointment and disaster - wow I'm moving on at a great rate and leaving very little behind me now.......omg hehe

Going to leave you all now and come back later to talk about anything as I'm not circulating around and can't be bothered to think deeply about my favourite topic the U.S. of A. which saddens me but I'm too bloody sick....I want this W C gone.......

Take care out there peeps and enjoy your lives and make a difference

Best regards

Robyn the cough.....!!!
